How to Clean Used LEGO in 7 Steps: Tips and Tricks for Sparkling Bricks

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Are you an avid LEGO enthusiast who loves hunting for treasure at garage sales? Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon a large tub of used LEGO, but upon closer inspection, you found that some pieces desperately need cleaning. Fear not! Cleaning used LEGO and restoring them to their former glory is easier. This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively clean your beloved bricks.

1. Washing Away the Grime: The first step in cleaning your used LEGO is to wash away the accumulated dirt and dust. Fill a basin with warm water and add a small amount of mild soap or detergent. Ensure that the water temperature doesn’t exceed 104 Fahrenheit or 40 Celsius to prevent damage to the plastic. If the water feels too hot for your hands, it’s too hot for your LEGO! Gently wash each piece with your hands, ensuring all surfaces are clean.

2. Soak and Scrub: A soaking session may be necessary for particularly stubborn dirt and grime. Submerge the LEGO pieces in the soapy solution overnight or longer to loosen up the dirt. Afterward, use an old toothbrush to gently scrub the nooks and crannies, ensuring a thorough clean without damaging the bricks.

3. Rinse Thoroughly: Once the cleaning process is complete, rinse all LEGO pieces thoroughly to remove any residue from the cleaning solutions. Using a colander can be particularly helpful in ensuring a comprehensive rinse.

4. Disinfecting with Bleach (Optional): If you’re concerned about disinfecting the LEGO pieces, add a small amount of bleach to the water solution. One tablespoon per gallon of water is a safe ratio that shouldn’t harm your bricks. Remember to rinse the pieces well after disinfection to remove any bleach residue.

5. Tackling Stubborn Grime with Alcohol: Rubbing alcohol can be an effective solution for extremely dirty LEGO bricks. Apply a small amount to a cloth and gently wipe away the grime. Be mindful of exposure time, as prolonged contact with alcohol can fade the plastic. Rinse the pieces thoroughly after cleaning.

6. Using the Dishwasher or Washing Machine (for Large Quantities): If you have a large quantity of second-hand LEGO to clean, using a dishwasher or washing machine can be a time-saving option. Place the LEGO pieces in a mesh bag designed for delicate laundry items and use the gentlest setting available to prevent damage. Avoid heat during the drying cycle, as it can warp the bricks.

7. Drying: Once your LEGO pieces are clean, dry them out on a towel. Placing the pieces on their sides can help prevent them from retaining excess water. You can also use an electric cooling fan to speed up the drying process. Be patient; it may take a day or two for all LEGO pieces to fully dry.

By following these simple steps, you can breathe new life into your used LEGO collection and ensure that your bricks shine as brightly as the day they were first assembled. Happy building!

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